Results from bat winter monitoring

From January to March 2019 we made 7 field expeditions to 8 sites from the Natura 2000 network. Our main purpose was mapping and counting all winter roosts in the area that the project “LIFE under one roof” covers.

We visited 127 bats roosts, where we recorded more than 52 000 individuals from 13 species. The most commonly presented one was Miniopterus schreibersii – 44 530 individuals, the second most presented was Myotis capaccinii  – 2 052 individuals. Rhinolophus blasii/Rhinolophus mehelyi/Rhinolophus euryale where presented by 1 477 individuals, and Myotis myotis/Myotis blythii – by 684 individuals.

7 people participated in the field work, which were not only our experts from “Science for Nature” Foundation, but also local volunteers. We are sincerely thankful for the technical support from Tanyo Tanev – speleologist from cave club “Salamander”.

The summer monitoring will start in June 2019. Expect new exciting photos and videos from our field work!

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