
Chernoochene Municipality is the gate to the Eastern Rhodopes. From here, one of the most important transport roads passes to the central part of the country, and with the opening of the Makaza-Nimfea. The road through the village becomes international.

The region has a rich thousands of years aged culture and old traditions in the civilized cohabitation of ethnicities and religions. The area of ​​today’s municipality of Chernoochene has been inhabited since the Stone Age (3 500 years BC). Archaeological excavations in the Gradishte area, located 10 km from Chernoochene, have revealed a variety of cult objects and tools of bone, ceramics and metal. There is a unique collection of 57 clay and marble idols. In this area, archaeologists have also found a copper sculpture of a Thracian rider. In the area of ​​Gradishte, life continued in the later eras. This is evidenced by the variety of discovered objects from antiquity to the Middle Ages. A medieval military fortress was built there and remnants of its walls can still be seen today.

The Eastern Rhodopes hide the mystery of many rocks and cliffs with niches carved in them. In most cases, they are cut into high rocks. Such are the rock niches near the village of Nochevo. They are located near Eminchaush mahala. It is believed that the rock-cult complex in the village of Nochevo is one of the largest regional religious centers in the territory of the Rhodopes, used by the Thracian tribe Besi.

Near the village of Zhenda is located the Kazalcherpa reserve. It is named after the dominant peak in the Kazalcherpa area (1036 m). It is a forest of black pine, remains of a rich forest, surrounded by an oak forest that extends beyond the reserve.

South from the village of Povien/village of Beli vir there is a swamped lake with medical leeches! This is an interesting population of a rare species of blood-sucking animals. The lake, named Syulyuk Gyol (Lake of Snails), is inhabited by medical leeches, that, according to the local people, are treating different diseases.

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